Looms 3.6m Make Dornier

10270.1 Dornier loom

Weft insertion: air jet

Width: 3,6m

Year: 2008

Type AWSE 4/E

Dobby Staubli 2881-2 or Cam Staubli 1661

6 stop bars

Selvedge: Tuck in selvedge, centre tucking, no split beam, single warp beam

Electronic let off and beam unwinding

9 heald frames

4 shafts installed, 16 capacity

No reeds

4 colours, 4 accumulators installed type Roy Super Blue Super Elf

10-15,000 heald wires

10-15.000 droppers



Pick finder


10270.2 Dornier loom

Weft insertion: air jet

Width: 3,6m

Year: 2005

Type AWSE 4/E

Dobby Staubli 2861-2 or Cam Staubli 1661

6 stop bars

Selvedge: Moto Leno, centre tucking, no split beam, single warp beam

Electronic let off and beam unwinding

9 heald frames

4 shafts installed, 16 capacity

No reeds

4 colours, 4 accumulators installed type Roy Super Blue Super Elf

10-15,000 heald wires

10-15.000 droppers

No cloth roll no batcher


Pick finder